Theme of the conference: Rights to mobility with dignity
Track for abstract submission: You can submit abstract considering any of the following tracks. Please insert a tick marks that match with your submission.
1. Migration and Health
2. Pre Departure orientation and prevention of Human trafficking
3. Re integration, Remittance and rehabilitation
4. Community Mobilization
5. Policy Research and advocacy
6. Migrants rights
1. Cultural program
2. Film show
3. Case study
Abstract Submission form
(Content of abstract will contain following points)
01. Title of the project or presentation
02. Author:
03. Presenter:
04. Description of the project/activities (Within 200 words maximum)
05. Lessons learnt (50 words maximum)
06. Recommendation (50 words maximum)
Guideline for cultural events, case study and film proposal submission
(Please send proposal with answering issue described bellow)
1. Name of the performance/film:
2. Script and direction:
3. Duration:
4. Number of artists involves:
5. Logistics that you need:
6. Content of performance or film:
7. Describe how it will add value for conference:
Note: Please send photograph and video documentation of cultural performance with script and film in DVD or CD format to review.
Basic information sheet for abstract submitters
Note: Without filling up this sheet no abstract will go for evaluation for selection
01. Name of the organization and year of establishment:
02. Project description on migration issue:
· Completed:
· On Going:
Name of donor and partner (If any):
Recent achievements (If any):
Recent failure (If any):
Programs other than migration issue:
Do you use local resources?
Yes No
If yes, then what kind of resource it is?
What is your motivation to submit this abstract?
Do you need any training or support to develop abstract or presentation? If yes, please describe:
Important dates:
Date of submission abstract and basic information sheet by 22 February 2008 by courier.
Date of submission abstract and basic information sheet by 22 February 2008 by email.
Date of notification of successful abstract by 28 February 2008
Date of national level presentation: 9 March 2008, Chiana Bangladesh Friendship Centre, Dhaka
Interactive Space on Migration and Trafficking
Conference outcome on migration and trafficking 2008, BANGLADESH
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